Ricardo Calvário
4 min readFeb 2, 2022

My reaction to: God’s Great Reset Will Soon Begin a Shunyamurti Teaching

This text consists of my reaction to a Shunyamurti’s video, and it comes from a conversation with @denisekeever09 (twitter Tag), with whom I have often of late engaged in wonderful exchange of ideas, for that. I here express my gratitude. I further add, that this will be part of “The Book of Thoughts”.

This is the link to the video so that you can judge by yourself:


Before I let you, dear reader, into my thoughts in this matter, I wish to say that I am not, in any away criticizing Shunyamurti, the Yogi. He is doing what he thinks best, to the most of his ability, and nothing more can be asked of any of us. He is a wonderful teacher. but as near all humans, he needs to have convictions, goals and certainties. I say, we need neither of them, because the future is not obscure nor veiled, it is a direct consequence of what we carry within from the past and how we use that load in the present, thus making the future a clear pre-determinate path.

Perhaps, instead of tying to teach people to endure anxiety, fear and the sense of a loss in freedom, the teaching of what lies behind and beyond that casualty, would bring forward better results. Instead of giving one fish a day, to ensure another’s survival, one should teach all on how to make a fishing rod. So that instead of the constant begging and dependency of others, she/he would otherwise be capable of setting others free, as she/he once was.

The Earth, Our Mother is not dying, this planet is not dying in any way, only our civilization. The world needs not to die for it to be reborn anew, all that is needed it for humans to rise up to their potential, and understand their responsibility. It is not, however, in knowledge or great wisdom that we must place our hope, but in Love in all its forms and shapes , from the smallest of deeds, to the highest forms of altruism.

In a world without hunger, thirst, illness (within out true abilities, I mean), but built upon equity, justice and oneness, there will be peace, both individual and collective. Respect for differences and understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each one, would bring growth, social, physical and spiritual.

As for the World being depleted, exhausted and shutting down, this are nothing but lies. Lies built upon the notion that as humans are reaching the end of an age, and entering another, so must be the Earth. It is not so. Earth’s resources are not depleted nor exhausted, far from it, new and far surpassing those already used are being found each year, as technology improves. However, it undeniable that those resources have already outgrown its usefulness, and should be abandoned towards new and more efficient uses of higher forms of energy, that we know are available to us.

As for our return to God, the singularity, I must say that I do not see it as such, and this is why: Humans are born out of sin, but that sin is not of the flesh, but of the Ego of those that created us, what from my perception, is against the natural Laws. We are Lost because we come from two worlds, While the earth is the Mother, The Shepherds of this corner of the Cosmos, are undoubted the Father. While never wholly belonging to neither of them, Animal by flesh, Spiritual by Soul, we are forever struggling for the rewards of either one or the other. No other creature suffers such duality, such dilemma. Thus is brought forward the source of our suffering, coming from a lack of belonging to anywhere. We came not from the Cosmos as everything else, but from the mind and desire of those, that fancying themselves as great as the Source itself from hence they cameth, created beings of their own, and in their image. As we know, imitation is the highest form of flattery.

So suffering, as I see it, comes from this, perhaps, unique and sinful conception. Most are attracted by the physical side, producing our indifferent, vile and cruel society, while others reject it entirely, like Shunyamurti. While we might be less powerful than those that created us, we can only tap into our power ,with the understanding and acceptance of the two worlds that make us what we are.

About the returning to the Source: We can not return to the One, because we are part of the One, We are the One, and we can not return to where we already are, from where he never left. Therefore, while it may be perceived as a powerful and apparently wise though, it actually tries to separate what cannot be divided, but by death, something that in itself, comes also from the unbalance between our two essences.

As for the existence or illusion of this reality, I reinstate my opinion that it matters not, nor even in the slightest. It is but a distraction, leading into a false sense of security, no matter what. Moreover, it might lead us to neglect and forsake it, for its lack of existence beyond our minds. By doing so, we will fail the test, with ill consequences either real or not real. I suggest that we care for us and for everything within our circle of influence, thus creating a better world, a free world where we can live and prosper in wisdom, for years to come. Be it real or not.

Ricardo Calvário

Independent researcher. Science evolves from trial and error, not from dogmas. Twitter: @RicardoCalvrio1 / YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgMfHNvl