The Helix Tree-Part 03-Prologue

Ricardo Calvário
13 min readApr 30, 2022


This work represents my personal attempt to try and uncover the History of our universe, from its very beginning, all the way into the present. Although it was not always so, when in lack of other sources, and whenever possible, I tried to guide my narrative from a Human point of view. My sources are nonetheless many and diverse, from History to mythology, from science to religion, from Gods to mortals. These, once combined with my unavoidable personal interpretation, results in a sometimes factual, sometimes (educated) guess, reconstruction of the Time Line that generated our present. I was nonetheless faced with so large a story, that forced me to divide it, which I did. Therefore, this tale will be told in parts, with each one addressing one of three distinct Ages, whose starting point comes after a significant moment in time. For that reason, I obviously choose to divide the story in three different books.

I had this chore placed upon myself many years ago, one I was not that happy to receive, first because of the reason why it had to be mine to tell, and last, because I thought it impossible, particularly if it was me doing it. The truth is that I always knew it to be an almost hopeless task, even if I ever saw it through. Hopeless, since I had long lost my hope in Humanity and its future. Because of this, I confess myself being stuck for many years, not really knowing on how or where to begin. However, I never stopped collecting data and using it to further expand this glimpse into the Universe origins, from past to present, from gods to humans. I made a special effort for the events that preceded my time, and part in it. So, I wondered, how does one start so long a journey?

Long have I dwelled on this matter and while I am still without a definitive answer, I decided to begin this journey with a few words about, Love. You see, if I ever learned anything in all my years, is that love, arguably as it may be, is perhaps the most powerful force in the Universe. But alas, by diving deep into it, I realized that nor all love is equal, nor is it always a positive force. This perspective showed me, in all clarity, that there are different types of Love. I found out that Love, at its purest, at its rawest, can only be experienced by those beyond the physical realm of existence and therefore, incapable of interacting with it directly. As for all others, either immortal, or divine like, but still connected to the physical domain, or mortal and born into physicality itself, they all live under the mark of a dualistic existence. All of the latest, show themselves bounded to the same double half existential experience, where both the physical and the spiritual, coexist in a love, hate environment, and that originates from this compulsive but conflictual relationship between the Self, and the projection of our desires and fears we call, Ego. This is, I am afraid to say, inescapable, and represents the mark of physicality. It comes from within the very fabric of our reality, where desire and enlightenment clash, spawning forward as a bitter-sweet existence. It can be rewarding in accomplishments, or when love is welcomed and reciprocated, but passions, can also be the source of sorrow and despair, once failed, rejected or denied. Each one of these two opposing stances, producing deep and powerful emotions, that can either raise any and all into a bliss like state, but also lower oneself to the ever dark depths of unbearable suffering and torment, that many call hell. This happens for a very simple reason, while true Love asks and expects nothing in return, its unidirectional and selfless, its lower counterpart is possessive, egoistic, jealous, fragile and insecure. More importantly, and since the later and lower form of love always requires something in return, it can be quite destructive to both the self and others when unrealized, spurned or scorned.

As we often find in History, myth and legend, be it lore or traditional knowledge, humans and Gods alike have their past, present and I dare say future. Always embedded in love related issues that, as we are told, has taken its characters into backstabbing treacherous acts. Not to mention full fledged open wars, or devastating inner struggles that bring but toil and woe, affecting both mortal and immortal as they are dragged into its narrative. You wont have to search long to find such events in all main sources of mythological accounts, be them Greek-Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, African or Mayan, Nordic or Indian. Love is the engine for both struggle and peace. Be it the love for another, the love for ownership, or even the love for power itself, these are the common traits conditioning every step for both the divine and mortals alike, be them willing participants or most unfortunate innocent bystanders. The question that rises above others is, was this intended by the power that created this reality, or accidental, unexpected? I tell you all this, because as in every other tale, love, lies at the core of the events that would shake, demolish and rebuild the very core of our existence, of our very creation. In this story, love and desire will not only be present, but also the trigger for the events that I am about to unfold.

It all started with what was described in the end of The Helix Tree creation myth, that in its last lines of text, speaks of the creation of a Shepherd Race of beings. They would serve by bearing the responsibility for the management of entire Galaxies, for the protection, organization, spreading and conservation of all things, of all Life. It was upon them to establish and ensure a healthy flow of energy, between all Creation, and the Source, what I was taught to call The Animus Equilibrium. Although, many types of Shepherds were created, they are not included in this books, apart from those that participate in this tale. Nevertheless, we will at least keep this in mind, they were not necessary alike, neither in form, shape or even in their culture. This because those behind their conception, the Pelph, tried several morphologies in search of perfection for their creations. However, as far as I know, what they kept unchanged from the beginning, was how many of each race they would create for each type, and the number is 25 individuals, this they kept equal to all other different races. In this first part, we will get to know one of their first models of Shepherds, that they called, The Aryans.

Being so, the Aryan records account for twelve males and twelve females, with an additional male, that was known as The Thirteenth of The Twelve. Together, they were taught and trained, each one in their specific set of skills, while the 13th was mentored in all subjects, but in less detail or better said, in a different fashion. His learning process was less practical, less knowledgeable in specifics, but more focused in wisdom, guidance and council. One can even say that he was trained as a Pelph, and not so much as one of his kin, and this was certainly most unusual. Logically, all other twenty four Aryans were meant to form pairs as they fall in love with one another, as it was meant to be, therefore named The Twelve and not the Twenty-Four, as for the 13th, he was not intended to have that sort of connection, and in fact, as it was expected, he did not, although, by being dual in nature, both physical and spiritual, he was by no means above Love along with its glorious virtues and treacherous perils.

All Aryans look alike, not in the clone sense, but their proportions were very similar. They were created as male and female, under two body stereotypes, one to each gender. Perhaps, the best way to describe them, is through the ancient Greek’s exquisite pure white marble statues of athletes and gods. This because, their bodies grew effortlessly to that type of stylization as perfectly sculpted bodies. They have very pale skin, and average 6 feet tall for both males and females. However, as the original twenty four templates of AND were mixed, their sizes started to vary, either higher or lower, while the powerful athletic bodies remained for the most part. What they all shared though, was the old glacier ice bluest of eyes, and majestic golden sunrise for hair colour. As for 13th of the 12, that contrary to his brothers and sisters, was not born out of the mind of the Pelph collective, he was in fact, the only known Shepherd to be born from the thoughts of one single Pelph, Maynu was is name. His looks alone set him apart from all other Aryans. Slightly taller and even paler than most, but slender and deceivingly less muscular to the eye. His long hair alone made him hard to miss among his kind, as it was sunset fire like red, instead of the golden norm. As for his eyes, they glowed in intense sapphire green, instead of the common, but not less compelling icy blue of the others. Because of his unique origin, he was rightfully considered wiser than any other of his kind, once again, this was a direct consequence of his unique conception, that granted him a stronger connection to The All, perhaps to strong, that made him different from the rest.

Due to the way their civilization was organized, his position placed him, obviously, above any other Aryan. However, Angra was not to be a King of sorts, neither a supreme ruler. In fact, and funny enough, for the most part, he was absolutely powerless, after all, he was not to rule at all, his role was more ceremonial in nature instead of practical. The only time he would be able to exert his will on anything with public impact, was when the Council of the 12 could not decide by majority, or come to a verdict. As the 13th, it has up to him to bring balance to the scales of power, or unbalance it further, since he could then decide independently of others votes. However, what really set him apart from all others, either in kin or race in general, due to is particular conception, was his ability to feel the power of Three kingdoms in a way others couldn’t. Although Maynu never regretted making Angra this way, this was the reason behind the first time ever, and I am quite sure, also the last, the Pelph had to deal with insurgence among those by them created. Never again a Pelph would be allowed to create a sentient being on his own fashion, to his own image. Because of his connection to the nether world of the Three Kingdoms, Angra did fell in love, but not with another of his own kind, or one of the Pelph, but instead, with those ethereal, magical lands, laying outside of time and space, and with the Pelph culture itself, captivated by its freedom in creativity and power in wisdom. He wanted what they had, to create as they did, but he also felt a profound love for the place itself, for its endless pure light that, as if coming from all sides, allowed no shadow to manifest, and its exposed and luminous crystal like structural matrix of unlimited possibilities, that to him, was beyond fault in its beauty.

For how many years they remained among the Pelph, while being taught, no one knows, since the realm of the Pelph belongs still to the lower level of the The Three kingdoms, therefore outside of Time/Space influence. As preparations were being made to finally transport the Aryans into their physical domains, something happen then that the Pelph did not intent, although for the wisdom within their hearts their feared it. Angra, the 13th of the Twelve, could not wait any longer, and seeing the hour of their extradition coming nigh, he came forward and calling out to all Pelph and Aryans alike, professed his intentions of staying, of refusing to leave and intent to assume its predestined place among them. So esteemed was he among the Pelph, that some gave serious consideration to this possibility and after some debate on how to proceed, they decided to have a deliberation and a vote. Nevertheless, after all things considered and discussed, all of the Pelph voted on his departure, all but one, Maynu, Angra’s mentor and creator. What started with demands, professed in a proud and arrogant fashion, once meet with reproachful silence, changed into humble begging, and after once again faced with negative reaction, into anger out of fear and ultimately intro aggression. As despair deepened within Angra’s heart, he became irrationally irreducible and the Pelph, perhaps in fear that he might hurt someone or himself, but also in a clear demonstration of their overwhelming power that was nonetheless, as always, born and fuelled out of love, with but a single gracious gesture of the hand, they made him fell to the ground, as if a switch had been flickered. He was promptly taken to the threshold between where the Helix Tree ended and the physical dimensions began, while accompanied by is brothers and sisters. But instead of it being a happy hour, a walk of honour, there were no smiles, happiness on their faces as they carried Angra on a stretcher, unconscious. It was then that Angra, The 13th of the Twelve Aryans, crossed the veil from the magical nether-lands of the Pelph, into the physical universe. His attitude, as he would come to find out upon waking up, cost him more than the refusal to his pretences, it also denied him a proper goodbye, either to the place, to the Pelph, and particularly to his Maynu, his mentor.

This grief had him scarred for the rest of his days, not only that, but being dragged to the Gate, and going through it, in a deep dreamless sleep, was not in his worse nightmares. This gates were a passion of his, and this would be his long awaited first experience with them. The U Gate, being only one level below the A Gate, leading to the Source, was to be a spectacular event that he missed completely. There are several types of Gates all around the Multiverse, some connect distant places in the same planet or moon, others connect the different planets in the same system. Higher up, there are the Gates that connect all star systems, those that connect Galaxies and others Universes. On the top of them all, the One Gate that links the physical realm, to the Helix Tree and The Three Kingdoms, The land of The All. The system is quite simple, once inside a Gate, one finds other Gates, whose numbers are according to the type of Gate and how many variables it has within its closed system. By crossing the Gate that took them into their Galaxy, exiting through the G Gate leading to their final destination, the entire Galaxy they were to call Home. After the Pelph left and once closed, this Gate was by them unplugged from the network and to the Aryans it become nothing more than a monument, one with high cultural and historical significance, a place of pilgrimage an initiation.

Their domains to be, consisted of a large galaxy, sister to our own, that we on Earth came to call Andromeda. Upon arrival, the Pelph reshaped reality and fashioned their home planet as the Twelve had previously designed for themselves. Perhaps as an attempt to ease Angra’s wishes, they gave them a planet orbiting a triple star system, one that ensures that they would not know darkness while at home, it was not shadowless, but as filled with light. At first, it seemed that the twelve were faithed to be without the use of their 13th’s power in wisdom, since he remained for a long time exiled within his quarters, not seeing, nor talking to no one, apparently lost within himself. The event of his unwillingly parting with the Pelph, and perhaps, more importantly, the humiliating way he parted with them, had clearly left a deeper wound than expected. Was it shame, remorse or a powerful rage, he did not share, and none but himself knew. Time passed on and the Twelve got used to his absence, and constant refusals to assume his position among them. But they were now under the dimension of time, therefore, and as expected by the few that remained hopeful, its was only a mater of when he would come around and set his path back into the service of his mission. It was hoped that eventually, all things do come to healing and gradually loose it previous painful significance.

In time, the 13th did in fact resurfaced from his self imposed exile, and presented no signs of his former resentment, the very same that at first, seemed to consume him. This was not progressive as expected, on the contrary. It was such an abrupt swing of mood, that made all is 24 brothers and sisters very apprehensive of his state of mind. But to their delight, and against the odds presented by many, the 13th seemed indeed to regain its will and love for what he was offered, trained and destined for, instead of what he wanted for himself. Being an Aryan meant working for the greater, common good of their community, since trough it, the objective of their existence would be more efficiently fulfilled. Quite surprisingly, one of his first actions while in office, was the naming of the island where his house was built, something the 12 never did, in hope that he himself would one day name it. The name he chose was unexpected but welcomed as a sign of closure. He named his island Maynu, as an homage to his mentor and creator among the Pelph. Hence forward, his full name was known as Angra of Maynu, The 13th of the Twelve Aryans, The Galaxy Shepherds of Andromeda. This of course, was only used ceremonially and moments as such were seldom and sparse in their History. On normal occasions, those close to him, like his twenty four brothers and sisters, kept calling him Angra, while all others usually referred to him just as the 13th.

As expected, the Aryans thrived and prospered in their mission of shepherding the Galaxy, expeditiously fulfilling their mission of seeding life across the Galaxy, and monitoring its development, as they would. While oblivious to one another existence, they were an example among Shepherds, and their success and achievements were not ignored by the Pelph, that even came to teach others accordingly to the Aryan system.

This said, we have now reached the point when this tale starts, and my own question remains. How does one start so long a journey? We will find out in the next chapter.



Ricardo Calvário

Independent researcher. Science evolves from trial and error, not from dogmas. Twitter: @RicardoCalvrio1 / YouTube: